

たたない塔|Erectile Dysfunction

システム・エンジニアリング:稲福 孝信(HAUS Inc.)


System Engineering: Takanobu Inafuku

The work consists of a movement of three large "towers that don't stand": a "tower that telescopic", a "tower that reverses", and a "tower that floats. The frontier of Hokkaido by the Japanese is sometimes likened to the establishment of the United States of America, and it is believed that Americans who had experienced the Civil War after the founding of the United States were invited to Japan to teach the Japanese the know-how of a more rational assimilation policy. In the U.S., it was the indigenous people called Indians, and in Hokkaido, it was the Ainu people. Both of these peoples have been driven out of their places under the pretext of cultivation. Regardless of the process and reasons behind the construction, the overrun side erects a huge tower stretching high into the sky as a monument in the name of justice. This work attempts to dismantle rationalistic values through the grossly redundant use of technology. The progressivism that inhabits technology sometimes dehumanizes and oppresses others. This work is a practice to prevent this from happening.

写真提供:札幌文化芸術交流センター SCARTS
Photo courtesy: Sapporo Cultural Arts Community Center SCARTS

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