


抽象画を描くドローイングマシンとして設計されたSDMだが、《SDM3-Portraits》ではノイズやエラー、偶発性といったテーマの下、具象画を描くマシンとしてモジュールを再設計。NTTインターコミュニケーション・センター [ICC] にて開催された「オープン・スペース2015」(2015年5月23日 - 2016年3月6日)にて、会期中に作者二人のポートレイトを描かせることを試みた。 基本設計はSDMをベースにしているためプロッターとしては不完全な機構であり、具体的に描くモチーフを設定していながらも、その図像に向かっていく過程で生まれる機構的エラーを嫌が応にも取り込むことになり、偶発性を顕在化させる。展示空間にはカメラを仕掛け、コンピューターがプロジェクションされた作者二人の動画をリアルタイムに見ながら絵を描く構造を取り入れた。それは、鑑賞者もカメラに映り込む余地を与え、さらなる不確定要素を取りこむことになる。


SDM was designed as an abstract drawing system, but artists redesigned it for representational drawing in theme of noise, error and contingency for “SDM3 - Portraits”. It drew a portrait of us two in exhibition “ICC Open Space 2015” (from 23rd May 2015 to 6th March 2016). Since the basic design is based on the previous work, it is an incomplete mechanism as a plotter. While it sets a motif to draw concretely, it takes in systematic errors whether willing or not in the process of its heading to the icon and a contingency becomes actual. In the exhibition space a camera is set and a computer is equipped with a system to draw a portrait while watching video of two artists who are being projected. This gives the audience an opportunity to appear on the camera and adds further uncertain elements.

Collaboration with So KANNO

Installation view @ICC “Open Space 2015” photo by Keizo Kioku

Screen shots of development

System Diagram


Computer makes binalized image by openCV that analyzes the image from webcam which capturing artists and spectators. Drawing modules’movement are base on this image.
Computer binalizes image every 5-10 minutes, it’s alike human painters cannot draw when he/she only sees subject. Painters see subject in a moment and keep images in their brain and draw on canvas and repeat it. There are 10 thresholds for binalization, and System changes it everyday. System manipulates modules’ position to keep inside of black area from binalization.

Concept (Background)

本作は偶発性をテーマにしつつ、作品の空間設計及び美術史との接続を試みるため、1656年に画家ディエゴ・ベ ラスケスによって描かれた「ラス・メニーナス」という絵画を参照している。



Main theme of this work is about contingency. But also it refers to painting “Las Meninas” by Diego Velázquez on 1656 to connect to the art history and for space design.

■Portrait / Self-portrait
The picture, which is called one of the three greatest paintings in the world is said that the collective portrait of the royal family centered on Margaret, the daughter of King Philip IV of Spain. However, Velazquez himself, the painter of this picture, was painted as one of the royal family, there is also a perception that it is a portrait that flaunted that Velasquez himself was the existence with a self-controlled ego as an artist in spite of an artist with humble social position at that time.In SDM3, we, the creaters, did not paint, but fabricated a machine which depicts figures of creators and viewers reflected to it. When we apprehend the machine that runs in an autonomous way to a certain extent as a “painter” at that time, the icon depicted can be a portrait. At the same time, it may be a self-portrait when we understand it as a result of the equipment created by creators or algorithm. This ambiguous situation that we can understand in both ways can be overlapped on Las Meninas.

■Space Design
On the painting, king and queen are reflected on rear mirror, so general understanding of situation on this painting is that the king stands behind canvas, and “the painter is painting a portrait of the king”. If we stand on observer’s side, observer’s eyes match the eyes of the king in the mirror. Additionally, characters on this painting put their eyes on our side so you can feel as if you are the king on the painting. We thought about how to apply this complicated structure of eyes and space design to SDM3 installation, then we projected our portraits reflected in the mirror on the other side of the painted wall, implemented structure to paint looking at it using live camera, set space for observers to be fused into the painting in order to combine complex eyes and space structure.

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